07 Jan 2020

How are Connected IO modems configured to Work with Meraki?


Our Modem works fine with Meraki version MX 14.53 Z1 / Z3

MX64 with firmware version 14.53 ( may take some longer  time to recognize a modem)

To get it to work make sure the Meraki version is supported.

Run connection with modem first (https://www.connectedio.com/support#how-do-i-configure-the-modem)

When connecting to Meraki

For more information please refer to Meraki documentation:


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07 Jan 2020

Do Connected IO modems support IP pass-through?

Connected IO devices support IP pass-through mode by default. IP addresses are assigned to the host device rather than the Modem.

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07 Jan 2020

How do I configure the modem?


Unlike a router, which is a standalone device, a modem is a peripheral and depends upon a host. Connected IO Modems support Windows and Linux hosts. Each needs a driver to know how to communicate with the modem.

Setting up a modem consists of three simple steps:

1. First, install the proper driver on your host computer.


2. Then connect the modem and power it up.

3. Lastly, activate the modem and tell it where to 'communicate'

To connect, use the USB  cable, as desired, and plug in the modem until the Power LED illuminates.

To configure the driver,  follow the next step to make some additional changes for driver signature disabling:

4. Additional changes for driver signature disabling:

Windows blocks Telit USB ports since Telit's drivers are not signed by Microsoft.

Please use the link below (option 2) to disable driver signature enforcement (it should be re-enabled on the next reboot):


5. Linux driver support:

To allow-hotplug and start data on raspberry do :

sudo vim /etc/network/interfaces

And add the following lines:

allow-hotplug usb0

auto usb0

    iface usb0 inet manual

    up path/to/StartDataCM4NA.sh

Link to Linux USB driver install user guide: Here


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07 Jan 2020

What is the difference between static and dynamic IP addresses (APNs)?


With dynamic IP addresses, incoming connections into the host system behind your devices are blocked.


With static IP addresses, inbound connections into the host system behind Machine Connect are allowed. Any application that requires remote access to the host device needs to use Static IP addresses.



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07 Jan 2020

Do Connected IO modems support Verizon's Private Network?

Connected IO Modems are certified for Verizon Private Network connectivity.

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